We got a glimpse of Karan Johar's birthday party courtesy an inside photo shared by Neha Dhupia on her Instagram story. "With our two precious birthday boys," Neha Dhupia wrote referring to birthday boys Karan Johar and Kunal Kemmu. The picture features Karan Johar posing with Varun Dhawan, Natasha Dalal, Kunal Kemmu, Soha Ali Khan, Neha Dhupia and Angad Bedi. Neha Dhupia added in her caption, "We love you beyond words. Happy birthday Karan Johar and Kunal Kemmu. This one's the group hug of the night." This is what Neha Dhupia posted: Varun Dhawan, who got his big Bollywood break with Karan Johar's Student Of The Year , wished him on Instagram and wrote, "Karan, you are the funniest, most intelligent human being I know with the largest heart. I love you. No conditions apply." On his birthday, Karan Johar announced his next project. He simply captioned the post, "Get... Set.... Go." View this post on Inst...
It's Telugu superstar Mahesh Babu's father, veteran actor Krishna 's birth anniversary today. The legendary actor-director died at the age of 79 in November 2022. Remembering his father on this special day, Mahesh shared a throwback picture on Instagram. In the throwback pic, Krishna is seen smiling and posing for the camera. In his caption, Mahesh Babu wrote, “Happy birthday Nanna [father]… you are deeply missed, and will always live on in every memory of mine!” He also added some red hearts to the caption. Replying to the post, Mahesh Babu's wife, former actress Namrata Shirodkar, dropped red heart emojis. Her sister, actress Shilpa Shirodkar followed suit. Model Mehr Jesia left a folded hands emoji under the post. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Mahesh Babu (@urstrulymahesh) Namrata Shirodkar has also shared a special post for her father-in-law "Mammaiya". She dropped a happy picture of Krishna on...
A gender-reversed, Indian mythology-inspired adaptation of the jailbreak thriller The Next Three Days (2010), which was in turn a remake of the French film Pour Elle (Anything for Her, 2008), Savi huffs and puffs its way through the tale of a homemaker who fights tooth and nail to get her murder convict-husband out of a high-security Liverpool prison. In terms of its technical attributes, Savi lacks nothing. Cinematographer Chinmay Salaskar and editor Shan Mohammed lend the film sustained gloss and pace. Director Abhinay Deo, working with an adapted screenplay by Parveez Shaikh and Aseem Arora, does more than his bit and adds a shiny veneer to the film. It is at the plot level that Savi is found wanting. It is undone by a slew of cliches. All the polish that is visible in Savi is strictly on the surface. The flourish and sparkle inherent in the making cannot offset the vacuity at the film's core. As the story of an ordinary woman determined to give her husband a new lease of l...
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