Parkinson's Disease: Here Are 9 Early Signs To Look Out For
Parkinson's disease is a chronic condition that affects both the neurological system and the bodily components that are under the control of the nervous system. Symptoms emerge gradually. The initial sign could be a slight tremor in just one hand. Although tremors are typical, the disease might also make you stiff or move more slowly. Each person will experience the signs and symptoms of Parkinson's disease differently. Early symptoms could be negligible and overlooked. Even after symptoms start to affect the limbs on both sides, symptoms frequently start on one side of the body and usually continue to be severe there. In this article, we discuss some common symptoms of Parkinson's disease and signs that might go unnoticed. Here are some signs of Parkinson's disease that might go unnoticed: 1. Tremor The first limb to experience a tremor, or rhythmic shaking, is typically the hand or fingers. You could wiggle your thumb and forefinger. The term "pill-rolling t...